COBA Emeriti

January / February 2020

Hello COBA EMERITI Members,
A very blessed and rewarding 2020 year for COBA, COBA
Emeriti and our constituents, the African American administrators, teachers, students and parents of LAUSD is expected and anticipated.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019, the COBA General Membership Meeting’s Professional Development focused on “PUTTING EQUITY INTO ACTION FOR ALL AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENTS” within LAUSD.
The COBA Social Holiday event held Saturday, December 14, 2019 at the Automobile Driving Museum was filled with joy, excitement, line dancing with a professional instructor, gifts, carol singing, pictures with Santa Claus and many other exciting activities. COBA, COBA Emeriti and guests had a wonderful time reminiscing at the festive occasion during the holidays.
At the COBA Emeriti meeting January 13, 2020, we will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month, since we do not have a COBA Emeriti meeting in February. To accent the “Celebration of our Proud African American Heritage” all COBA Emeriti Members are “encouraged” to wear African Attire to the meeting for our Annual COBA Emeriti Website Picture.
Per the COBA bylaws and the COBA Emeriti Committee Guide, at the January meeting, the COBA Emeriti Election Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the COBA Emeriti Chairperson. The election will be held at the May meeting.
Bring your check book so that you can register for the 45th Annual Black Child Conference (Please refer to the email: COBA EMERITI SPECIAL CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT emailed to you in December for $ details). The conference will be held again at the LAX Sheraton Gateway Saturday, April 25, 2020, registration 7 am. Make all COBA Conference checks payable to COBA. See you at the January 13th meeting and bring a new/returning
J. Maxie Hemmans, COBA Emeriti Chairperson/Liaison — COBA PRIDE!!!
Circle the Date
Circle the Date
Monday, January 13, 2020 @12 NOON
Holman United Methodist Church James Lawson Multipurpose Room 3320 West Adams Blvd. LA CA 90001 (4th Avenue and Adams)
THANKS to our January Hosts:
Barbara Francois, Mary Stallings, Joyce Sherrard, Alice Turner, Linda McClellan
Alma Thomas – Chair (323) 931-5110
For “Hamilton Tickets” at the Pantages Theatre on Thursday April 23, 2020 at 8:00pm please make Hamilton Tickets Checks Payable to Joyce Dixon.

Coba Emeriti Officers